The Illuminating Journey of HWPL Peace Education Teacher Training: Power to Transform the World
On January 26th, a ‘HWPL Peace Education Joint Teacher Training.’ hosted by the international peace organization HWPL, was
held in 10 countries each in Africa and Asia. HWPL is conducting ‘Peace Educator Training’ for educators from various countries to cultivate peace citizens with qualities such
as gratitude, consideration, sacrifice, forgiveness, and respect based on love. This program aims to train experts in peace education
who can instill the values of peace in individuals.
This peace teacher training, starting on January 26, 2024, is scheduled to run until February 24, 2024, with five sessions held at 9 p.m. Korean time over approximately five weeks. Conducted through online ZOOM meetings, the training involves invalved around 50 participants, including professors, principals, teachers, researchers, organization leaders, and students from primary, secondary. and tertiary institutions in Cameroon, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, Myanmar, Vietnam, India and Laos.
HWPL Peace Education is an education that fosters citizens of peace with the value and spirit of peace, values and spirits based on peace. There is no place under heaven and earth that is more beautiful and better to live in than the Earth. However, many people are suffering from war, famine, a gap between the rich and the poor, environmental pollution, and more all over the world due to human greed and selfishness. Such reality that humanity faces still remains a problem to be solved and is being passed on to the future generations. Therefore, HWPL proposed peace education as a way to leave a beautiful world of peace as a legacy for the future generations and is implementing the “Peace Educator Training Program” worldwide, targeting educators, to equip them with the knowledge of 12 curricula regarding the meaning, values, and qualifications of peace, enabling them to teach these concepts to students.
Training a rising generation as citizens of peace is more important than anything else to transform the future of the global community into a better world. In order for such future leaders to be born, education must be provided to students at school on topics such as peaceful attitudes, values, and experiences so that they can practice them in society.
The HWPL Peace Education curriculum is divided into two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Just as everything in nature possesses unique forms and characteristics, their harmonious integration creates a beautiful landscape. Understanding the principles of ‘respect for diversity and harmony’ and ‘cooperation and coexistence,’ inherent in nature, can lead the human world to progress within the realms of harmony and beauty.
In Part 1, participants learn about the process where individuals with diverse backgrounds, including different races, religions, cultures, nationalities, ideologies, and appearances, come together to form orderly and harmonious relationships. They also delve into the true meaning and value of peace.
In Part 2, students learn practical ways to live harmoniously not only with their families and neighbors but also with people from
all around the world and local communities. This part focuses on nurturing the right values and character needed to peacefully
coexist with others as peace citizens, resolving all issues amicably.
Currently, there are 1,633 HWPL Peace Educators in 65 countries, actively implementing peace education and spreading a culture of peace worldwide.